The Vestibulo-Spinal Reflex

vestibulo-spinal reflex

Your vestibular system senses acceleration/deceleration movements.

The vestibulo-spinal reflex (VSR) is the reflex that keeps your trunk positioning relative to gravity. The vestibular system will sense an acceleration/deceleration movement and send a signal to your trunk muscles to contract via the VSR.

The VSR is vital for performing at a high level and for injury prevention.

You want your VSR to be as fast as possible so when exposed to an acceleration or deceleration force you will quickly respond and maintain your positioning.

Bull riders have exceptional vestibulo-spinal reflexes.

They rely heavily on the vestibular system to stay positioned on the bull while it bucks.

The bull creates huge acceleration/deceleration forces in multiple planes, and the bull rider must quickly react using their VSR to make the 8 second ride.

The individual who has a fast VSR will be able to maintain position and body control when exposed to acceleration/deceleration forces.

Contact sport and tactical athletes will want their VSR to be fast to maintain positioning and a performance edge.