Background Systems

When executing in conditions with high cognitive demands, you need certain sensory systems to be working at a high level in the background.

I think of your vestibular and somatosensory systems primarily as background systems, meaning they shouldn’t have your attention often.

When functioning at a high level, these systems allow your attention to be on problem solving and decision-making.

But when poorly trained, these systems will pull your attention away from what matters most.

In conditions where the stakes couldn’t be higher, and every millisecond matters, we can’t overlook the impact that poorly trained background systems have on performance.

I bring awareness to the importance of your somatosensory and vestibular systems because I want them to function for you in the background.

Allowing your attention to be on the task at hand while you move with speed and precision on complex terrains, in linear and angular acceleration/deceleration patterns, and through low vision environments.

Give these systems the attention and training they deserve to work for you at a high level in the background.

Here are a few articles on how to train the vestibular and somatosensory systems:

Train Angular and Linear Acceleration/Deceleration

Keep Your Head On a Swivel