Customize Chaos – 10 Visual Chaos Variables

There are 10 variables I look at to customize visual chaos training.  I put these together for you to be able to look at the variables and identify which you want to add, remove, and adjust to train with specificity.

You can get the PDF download of this list HERE.

1. Target size – large versus small target.

2. Target contrast – high versus low contrast target.

Camouflage is a technique to decrease target saliency, creating a low contrast target. A bright target on a dark background has high contrast. A dark target on a dark background has a low contrast.

3. Background – complex versus simple background.  

Increased background complexity increases the demand on the visual system, particularly when the target is moving. Examples include a target with a checkerboard background, forest, and bright lights.

4. Target speed – fast versus slow & variable versus constant.

When a target moves at a constant speed, we can utilize our visual smooth pursuit which has a predictive component. If the target changes speed it increases the difficulty of target following.

5. Target path – constant versus changing.

A constant target path eases following capability. Changing paths increases the challenge to follow/engage.         

6. Target position – near, far, above, below, etc.

7. Duration of target following – short versus long

Our sensory systems fatigue. Increasing duration of target following requires a higher skill level.

8. Target appearance – constant versus flashing.

Challenge your target following/engagement by creating a flashing target. When coupled with target movement, training with a flashing target can develop highly advanced target following/engagement skills.

9. Peripheral distractors – auditory versus visual distractors in periphery.

Training to filter out the auditory and visual “noise” in the periphery.

10. Your movement – stationary versus moving.

Adding your movement with target following/engagement adds an additional skill component, ensuring you have ownership of your movement without losing target focus. Can be you physically moving yourself or by land/sea/air vehicle.

Click here to get the free PDF download of this list.


A systematic training program for healthy, cleared for duty tactical athletes to elevate situational awareness performance.

Learn how to own your movement- training speed and precision of movement under sensory chaos.