Proficiencies, Gaps, and Obstacles

My goal is to provide training strategies that enable tactical athletes to maximize key sensorimotor capabilities and maintain that skill at the highest level over time.

Most sensorimotor training falls into the clinical categories, which are shown in the yellow and red in the graph below.

There is a significant gap in targeted and measured sensorimotor training that elevates performance to the top of the green area.

We cannot know what is possible for performance in an area unless we train it with intention.

Current Proficiencies

Though I will continuously strive to further my skills, I am confident in my ability to analyze any scenario and break down the sensorimotor components. I can identify and train visual, vestibular, and somatosensory skills to a very high level with specificity using little to no equipment.


I am not a tactical athlete, so I don’t have a deep understanding of first principles of tactics.

Moving forward, I am seeking out opportunities to observe training to deepen my understanding of these principles.

This will allow me to provide training programs that are consistent with these principles efficiently, targeting key capabilities through training with specificity while respecting time constraints.

Next, I need to collect data to demonstrate the impact of training these specific capabilities on targeted performance metrics.


Repeated exposures to low level blasts can directly impact sensorimotor capabilities, and because we cannot mitigate all these exposures, fluctuations in sensorimotor capabilities should be expected.

This training cannot prevent neurotrauma or the development of neurodegenerative disease.

At the end of the day, it is just a piece of the performance puzzle. Though it is a severely overlooked but essential piece that can help tactical athletes get the job done and make it home alive.

Your feedback is invaluable. What matters most is that this is valuable to the end user.

Please reach out to me with any insights, training observation opportunities, or key capabilities you’d like me to break down.

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