Breaking Down Threshold Assessment: The Sensorimotor Components

Slicing the Pie Slicing the Pie involves a slight head tilt and re-orienting the head upright. The ability to perform this skill quickly while maintaining visual clarity requires the vestibular system. Specifically, the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in the roll plane. Kettlebell oblique sidebending is performed in this same plane, and through the addition of a… Continue reading Breaking Down Threshold Assessment: The Sensorimotor Components

Training for Nighttime Air Assault Landings

Air assaults commonly occur during nighttime. While this offers a strategic advantage from an operational standpoint, it is well documented that night jumps, or landings with vision reduced, increases risk for musculoskeletal injury. [1-3] When vision is limited, or completely removed, an individual must increase reliance on their somatosensory and vestibular inputs for knowing where… Continue reading Training for Nighttime Air Assault Landings

Target Training: Breacher

I’ve been building out a 12-week program on Teambuildr that develops situational awareness capabilities specific to the demands Breachers face. No matter the position, situational awareness, target focus and acquisition, and ownership of movement can all be broken down to loading the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems. We can just load in different ways. Here… Continue reading Target Training: Breacher

Target Focus and the Vestibular System

In this video Ben is holding the camera while he walks and then transitions to a run. You’ll notice that as he walks we are able to maintain good focus of the gym, but as he transitions to a run we lose that ability to keep clear vision on the environment. But he didn’t lose… Continue reading Target Focus and the Vestibular System

Asking “So What?”

Anytime I read a research paper I constantly am asking myself “So what?” This isn’t in a dismissive way. It’s so my brain sees the information given to me and finds a way to make it meaningful to the people I serve. This article, Evidence of Dynamic Visual Acuity Impairments in Asymptomatic Mixed Martial Arts… Continue reading Asking “So What?”

Training The Sensory Systems With Specificity

Unique to tactical athletes is the level of performance the sensory systems for situational awareness must perform at. No other athlete or professional relies on their sensory systems to the extent that tactical athletes do. There are 4 primary sensory systems for situational awareness- visual, auditory, vestibular, and somatosensory. Each system has an important role… Continue reading Training The Sensory Systems With Specificity

Subconcussions And Performance In MMA

Mixed martial arts and tactical combatives require execution in a close position to your opponent. To be successful the fighter must have quick reactions- integrating speed, strength, and precision of movement. Mixed martial artists without history of concussion and are asymptomatic have shown a reduction in the performance of the reflex that keeps a target… Continue reading Subconcussions And Performance In MMA