Training Speed and Precision with Divided Focus

A foundational capability for you as a tactical athlete is the ability to execute with a divided focus.

I strip training this into two parts, where I isolate and then integrate.

Isolating the eye movements of a divided focus while stationary is the first step. I train speed of the eyes moving target to target over a specified period (typically ranging from 15 to 30 seconds). I look for speed and accuracy of the eye movements and objectively measure and progress speed using a metronome.

Next, I integrate this with movement.

This is challenging. I typically slow the speed of the eye movements down and have the change in target coincide with a rhythmic change in footwork.

For example, if the movement pattern is alternating lunges, I want to start by switching targets at the same time as I switch legs to lunge. Once this is mastered, I train non-rhythmically. Increasing the speed of the eye movements while trying to maintain baseline speed and precision of the footwork.

Speed and precision with a divided focus is a skill that will translate across scenarios. It’s worth putting the time and reps in training this so you can rely on it when in a situation where every millisecond matters.


A systematic training program for healthy, cleared for duty tactical athletes to elevate situational awareness performance.

Learn how to own your movement- training speed and precision of movement under sensory chaos.